By Jeff Bell. It has been tortuous over the past few years watching my favourite team languish at the bottom of the ladder. They have been going …
The Meaning of Belonging
By Jeff Bell. All of us humans are finely attuned to the meaning of belonging. Each of us can assess in an instant whether we belong in any given …
Crafting the Conflict Resolution
By Jeff Bell. To be challenged can bring out the best in us—some pressure is beneficial. But being stressed or traumatised can take us down the …
More Than Fight or Flight
By Jeff Bell. In metropolitan Perth, we’re lucky enough not to be facing the daily existential threat of those who live in the battlefields of the Ukraine or …
The Pygmalion Effect
By Jeff Bell. Is it possible, as leaders, that we can change people’s performance and their lives just by transmitting high expectations? Conversely, if …
Principles of Happiness
By Jeff Bell. In our work and our personal lives, where does responsibility for our happiness come from? And how is it possible—common, even—that we find …
Stephen King and Leadership
By Jeff Bell What would a lifelong writer of popular fiction know about leadership? As it turns out, quite a lot. Stephen King is 77, he lives in Maine …
Daniel Kennedy, Leadership with Energy and BOLA
By Jeff Bell. What are the energy challenges facing mining companies in remote WA? What has been the company’s transition over the past decade? What …
Decision Fatigue and Willpower
By Jeff Bell. Do you remember the last time that you bought a house. Or a car. Or anything significant, that required consideration of many factors, …
The Difficulty of Being Ourselves
By Jeff Bell. The business of positive thinking has been around forever. In 1907 the prolific William Walker Atkinson popularised the ancient wisdom known …