Bring it on!
So what have we learned about disruption?
Principally, that most of us won’t see it coming. It seems that we rely too much on the rear vision mirror.
And…your own business is about to be disrupted.
“How could this be?” I hear you ask. “You know nothing about our business!”
That’s true—but this applies to every business, without exception: I see innovation invariably as the result of:
• poor performance or;
• a better idea.
One, or both, of these will apply to you, and therefore
you are certainly ripe for disruption.
So, do you sit on a rock expecting the worst, or do you drive your own innovation? How can you, as the leader, meet disruption head-on?
Even before it seems necessary, you need to act decisively—and take your people with you. Your challenge is to make an inspirational case for the need for innovation and a plan to achieve the best outcomes.