By Jeff Bell.
I am a great believer in the power of purpose in business—to attract and retain staff and to attract and retain customers. Simply put, purpose drives business success.
Furthermore, I would like to put the case for what is beyond business purpose.
Let me explain my thesis: there is a reason every business exists. By making something or providing a service, the business generates, hopefully, a satisfactory return on capital invested, which may be measured by net profit.
Having set this at, for example, 15%, the investors will then have an expectation that all activity in the business is aligned to achieving that goal.
This clarity of purpose can bring about great focus for leadership and staff and over time it becomes a discipline that drives resistance to competition, stimulates innovation, reduces costs and overcomes costly distractions. It generates wealth.
The investors can rest easily in the knowledge that their capital is not only safe, it is growing. But if this turns out not to be the case, at some stage the investors will lose their confidence and withdraw their capital to apply it elsewhere—the business will disappear.
It is what I call the logical purpose of the business. No profit means no business.
However, in every human endeavour there is logic and emotion. There is always a struggle [and emotion usually wins].
In this case, the investors’ capital growth aspirations, the logic, will not deliver the loyalty of customers. Neither will it inspire staff.
So a business that focuses only on a logical purpose will fail.
A leader’s challenge is to create, articulate and relentlessly promote the emotional purpose.
Customers will be attracted by value for money, quality and timeliness and will stay for social responsibility and good corporate citizenship—the destination of sustainable business. So what to do about winning the hearts of customers? As the leader you:
- Help everyone in the business identify customers and their needs.
- Harmonise your supply chain with the internal supplier and customer.
- Design your services, products and processes to delight external customers.
- Deliver benefits to customers beyond what they have paid for.
- Look for opportunities for satisfying interpersonal contact with the customer.
And leading the people who work in your business?
- Pay them, if possible, beyond the award requirements and as well as you are able.
- Help them see and articulate the good that your business provides in the community.
- Articulate your [secular] values into the business’ context and illustrate each value with indicative behaviours.
- Live by and enthusiastically, relentlessly promote these values—building high levels of trust among all.
- Direct improvement efforts towards people’s mastery and autonomy—invest in their ongoing growth and development.
- Articulate the cause of the business–something that is greater and more enduring than themselves.
So we come to a reciprocation: staff who understand and truly believe in the emotional purpose of the organisation and how their individual roles contribute, are much more likely to make a powerful contribution to the logical purpose of the business. They are halves of the same wheel.
Then, what is beyond the combined logical and the emotional purpose of your business?
First there is belonging.
There are the physical indicators—the branding of the workplace, the clothes that people wear, the culture they build, the terminology that they use. This identification will be enhanced by their sense of purpose—“we are all working together in this; we feel that we are truly doing good in the community,”
But true belongingness is not all about outward appearances.
There is an internal dimension to belonging that’s about being at ease with ourselves, being frank with ourselves, overcoming our own egos, owning up to our self-delusions. Facing our own vulnerability. Especially having the courage to stand alone.
Carl Jung said:
“The highest, most decisive experience is to be alone with one’s own self. You must be alone to find out what supports you, when you find that you cannot support yourself. Only this experience can give you an indestructible foundation.”
Then there is love.
Involving dignity, respect and commitment. Full of exuberance, generosity, curiosity and growth. And humour. Partner to partner. Friend to friend. Adult to child.